Sundanese Language is Eroded
Might be an appropriate title for this entry is not Dikikiss Basa Basa Sunda Sunda Eroded. Why? West Java as a base for Sunda largest population in the world has a lot to leave their own culture. The most prominent and the most fundamental is the language itself that is Basa Sunda. Although it has been used as local content on the subjects at school, this language is very limited in use in daily life - days. Even some people who impose wearing Sundanese Indonesian or foreign language even though they are not fluent mengucapknnya. So do not be surprised if there are people who say "watch out not to run - run later tikusruk" or "eh da this tea because - because you". And more ironic when the majority of parents in the city of Bandung and West Java district of the capital as demanded her to use Indonesian as the language of day - day. Maybe people just too smart western Java in interpreting the phrase "imitate the foreigners who love alkaline Sunda" which m...